cuti2 ni bosan jg la mengadap buku siapkn kerja. huhu, so tringt picture album kt bilik. pgi belek2...tgk2 balik gmbr dr skola rndah smpai la zmn mtrik (huhuh sbb tym tu camera digital xfemes lg. so smua gmbr kena cuci). haha...quite interesteing la jg. and actually sgt merindui zmn dlu. zmn muda remaja, happy..dgn kwn2 yg fun. lgi2 kt matrik, kwn2 yg honest, helpful, n supportive. Goshhh....rndu sgt tym matrik....its not like im not having fun here in unisel, but all i can say is, keikhlasan dlm persahabtn tu, lg byk tym kt mtrik. so, bila d kenang blik, smuanya indah. semakin dewasa, smkin rmai jmpa jnis2 mnusia, n mmg disappointing sbb i found a lot of them yg fake in friendship.not all of them la. hence, it si really not something that i would love to remember. huh...anyway, here is some picture i wanna share. hahaha..pls be prepare bcuse u will se a very different of me! hahah............... gmbr yg pertama..huhu
hahah...ok ni gmbr tym form 1. kira gmbr ni d ambil tym d ostel la. ekkeke
yg berdiri tu my cuzzy, merangkap my dorm-mate,n yg brdiri xpkai tdung tu my fren frm skola ktorg skg, n dorm-mate jgak..
next pict pls...
weuuhuuu....ak yg paling knn, kain merah. ekek...y kain merah?sbb ak pngawas skola kot!! pict form 2. i must say form yg paling best spnjg 5 thaun d SMK Beaufort.
ni pn tym form 2...tgk la kgmbiraan kt muka ak tu siap peace mendepakn tgn hahha...yg dpn xpkai tudung kain biru tu tym tu student paling cntik d skola. hahah..biasalah. zmn dlu2 kn....ekekek...
gmbr ni tym trip form kundasang. dats y pkai sweater.pmpuan ni nama die yuyui. she WAS my bestfriend. sweater yg ak pkai ni pn die yg bg sbb tym tu ak lupe bw ak punye. she is so supportive, n we juz care about each other. smpai la ak naik form 4, ak memilih utk ddk partner ngn sorg bdk cls ak yg lain. kt situ die mrh..pstu dia jd musuh. haha..sbb tu pn nk jd musuh. apa laa...bdk2 tol..ekekek.smpai skrg, dah xcntact..hurm...rndu jgak ngn minah ni.
ok, from kiri, yuyui, anna, ilyasa, yeye, n me. tym tu, dorg smua ni bestfren ak. tp org ckp, klu bestfren smpai bila2. tp ktorg, 2 tahun lps gmbr ni d amik, jd musuh. hahahaha...but bila ak cek balik gmbr ni, this is apa yg trtulis kt blkg :
ok next!
ni pict mjlis perpisahan la konon....form 5. padahal tym separuh dr ktorg brmusuh antara satu sama lain. hw cme tym ni boleh slmba chill kt kfc eating burgeR? weird oh dlu..! n yess,, highschool period was sucks...ktorg bermusuh..brcakap2 blkg. childish!!
yep...this is my classmate tym kt LABUAN MATRICULATION COLLEGE. kt mtrik bru la ak perkenalkn diri ak sbgai 'acil'. kt skola mngah kwn2 pgil 'jia'. well, after all messed up kt high school, i juz wanna walk away n not to rmmber it.i wanna hve a new frens..n never look back. n yes, i found it,! i love all memories when i was at KML.i love my roomate, i love my classmate, i love my frens!
among all of my frens, jila, wend, suer and krista (not in this picture) are the most top in my list. they are a gud fren, until now. this picture taken after dance competition. hahah..that was the first n last time i participate in dance cmpetition. truly, xda bakat lgsung! huhu..
we were like family.. =')
i must say, KML is the best la...
ok ...stop kt situ, crita tym kt u?heh..nnti2 la...